How to Get FUT Players?

There are a number of strategies and factors to consider when figuring out how to get FUT players, which can really help you do much better. The easiest way is by buying packs. Outside of the 150 FIFA Points standard pack, purchasing packs for larger amounts – such as with those priced at 1,000 FIFA points per back tor more are going to make you have better odds on both rares and higher-rated players.

By far the best way to get players for your FUT team is through Squad Building Challenges (SBC’s). Many of these challenges will task you with turning in a squad that is at least an 83 overall, and contain other stipulations as well. These challenges usually offer up members of the current TOTW, as well as rarer ones such Icon players or whole packs. EA Sports says: Players who do SBCs regularly can expect that the average improvements in their squad rating when they engage with this content is ~15% from one month to another.

Another option to explore would be market trading. For example, if you were to buy players during the off-peak hours (typically between 2:00 AM and 4:00) GMT time frame then sold them several days later when they are in demand at peak times such as after school or work from around 6 PM GMT. As a result of this method, it is noted that traders involved usually achieve an ROI ranging between 20-30% in the short term and hence helps to grow their coin totals quite easily without they having great players within shorter amounts.

Likewise, every now and then you might just want to line up a couple of matches online through Division Rivals or FUT Champions as the game mode can reward some high level players. While winning these matches gives you coins it will also reward packs that can include rare players. Elite-level rewards include rarer FUT cards rated at 85 and above, which will improve their team overall significantly.

In addition, special events like Team of the Year (TOTY) or Team of the Season (TOTS), will include time-limited packs and challenges with best-in-the-game cards. You stand a much better chance of finding top FUT cards at these events. EA Sports 50 per cent more high-rated players packed than in regular weeks for TOTY event, with an example

Adopting these will increase your chances to get the top FUT players. With the market trading, via completing SBCs or getting involved with playing special events in FUT come certain respective opportunities to make your squad better off. For other options like fut player purchase, visit well placed online platforms.

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